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Uniforms of the Mexican War

Uniforms worn by the Regular Army of the United States during the Mexican War were based on regulations adopted in 1832 when the uniform was completely redesigned. Facing colors worn on the uniform of America's armies from the Revolutionary War were restored, those being: buff for generals and staff; white for infantry; and red for artillery. Three uniform sets were authorized: a dress uniform; a winter fatigue uniform; and a summer fatigue uniform. The winter uniform was worn by all ranks during the Mexican War, although some officers and units wore the dress uniform.

Officer's rank was denoted on shoulder straps of the fatigue uniform, and on epaulets of the dress uniform. All officer shoulder straps were bordered in gold except for the infantry who wore shoulder straps with silver borders.



The insignia denoting rank is shown below.

Shoulder Straps

Second Lieutenant: plain shoulder strap with no embroidery.

First Lieutenant: single embroidered bar same color as the strap border.

Captain: two embroidered bars the same color as the strap border.

Shoulder Straps

Major: embroidered oak leaves; gold oak leaves for infantry (silver strap border) and silver oak leaves (with gold strap border) for all other branches.

Lieutenant Colonel: embroidered oak leaves the same color as the strap border.

Colonel: embroidered eagle; gold eagle for infantry (silver strap border) and silver eagle (with gold strap border) for all other branches.

Shoulder Straps

Generals' shoulder straps had gold borders and silver embroidered stars, as follows:

Brigadier General: one embroidered star.

Major General: two embroidered stars.

Major General, Commanding the Army: one embroidered star between two smaller embroidered stars.

Polk Rank

Above is the shoulder strap worn by Major William H. Polk, an original member of the Aztec Club, and brother of then President James K. Polk.

Non-Commissioned Officers

Non-commissioned officers wore chevrons patterned as above on their fatigue jackets. From left to right, top row: Corporal, 2 chevrons; Sergeant, 3 chevrons; First Sergeant, 2 chevrons with a diamond below. Second row: Quartermaster Sergeant, left, and Sergeant Major, right.

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