Storming of Chapultepec
Quitman's Attack
Adolphe-Jean-Baptiste Bayot after Carl Nebel. The War Between the United States and Mexico Illustrated.George Wilkins Kendall. Appleton and Company. New York. 1850.
Storming of Chapultepec
Pillow's Attack
Adolphe-Jean-Baptiste Bayot after Carl Nebel. The War Between the United States and Mexico Illustrated. George Wilkins Kendall. Appleton and Company. New York. 1850.
Storming of Chapultepec
After James Walker. Published by Sarony and Major. New York. 1848.
Quitman and Battalion of Marines Entering Mexico
(Gen. John A. Quitman was the first President of the
Aztec Club of 1847.)
Tom Lovell. For the U. S. Marine Corps.