Fleet Surgeon, Pacific Squadron, 1846
officer voluntarily undertook the perilous risk to enter
Mexico and cross that country to learn the condition of
affairs, and at Guadalajara first, and afterwards at the
City of Mexico, learned that war had actually commenced
between the two countries; and but for the daring
courage of this gallant officer, whose skill and
adroitness in sending the information to Commodore John
Drake Sloat, USN, at Mazatlan, California would have
been lost to the American Union; and instead of being
one of the United States, would not be a British
In a letter dated from New York on 20 March 1855,
Commodore Sloat writes: "The information you
furnished me at Mazatlan from Guadalajara, (at risk of
your life), was the only reliable information I received
of that event and which induced me to proceed
immediately to California, and upon my own
responsibility to take possession of that country, which
I did on the 7th of July, 1846."
In his account of the intelligence he learned at the
City of Mexico, Dr. Wood writes: "All this
information I again sent to the Commanding Officer of
the Pacific Squadron, signing my letter by an easily
understood hieroglyphic, and sending it through the
Mexican mail under cover to the subject of a neutral